Katie Wehner (pronounced: way-ner)
This page was last updated @ 1:32pm on Thursday, January 7, 2010
A "live" up-to-date version of this runsheet can be accessed online @
Saturday, January 9 & Sunday, January 10, 2010
___Paws To The Rescue (PTTR) transport___
Marion SC & Darlington SC --to-- Newark DE, Binghamton NY, Woodrbidge NJ, Albany NY, New Loundon CT, & Concord VT
~~ Detailed passenger information is at the BOTTOM of the run sheet.~~
**CROSSPOSTING is encouraged & very much appreciated.**
All passengers are traveling with health certificates/paperwork
& are going to screened/approved rescues.
Transport Coordinator: Katie Wehner (pronounced: way-ner)
E-Mail: katie_wehner (remove spaces)
When responding, please let me know WHICH LEG you are volunteering for and please send the following information:
Cell phone:
Home phone:
Personal description:
Vehicle description & tag# (including state):
Emergency contact (name & #):
Reference (if you haven't driven for PTTR before): example... your vet, groomer, local Humane Society or shelter, a friend who volunteers for an established rescue group, etc
Which passenger(s) you can accommodate:
Please note if you use a different e-mail address after working hours or do not have computer access on weekends
Sending shelter: Marion County Animal Shelter (MCAS) Location: Mullins, SC Website: Contact Person: Jen Nall Sending Shelter: Darlington County Humane Society (DCHS) Location: Darlington, SC Website: Contact Person: Lynette ------------------------------ Sending Shelter: Mary Ann Morris Animal Society (MAMAS) Location: Bamberg, SC Website: Contact Person: Jean Sending rescue: PTTR approved private foster Location: NC Website: Contact Person: Sandy ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | Receiving Rescue: Tree Tops (arnie-30, frankie-30) Location: Landenberg, PA Website: Contact Person: Laurie ------------------------------ Receiving Rescue: Pound Puppy Protection Rescue (Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*) Location: South Plainfield, NJ Website: Contact: Christine ------------------------------ Receiving Rescue: PawsToTheRescue (Emily-55) Location: NJ Website: Contact Person: Chris ------------------------------ Receiving Rescue: Good Shepherd K9 Rescue (Bogart-25, Cricket-?) Location: Schenectady, NY Website: Contact Person: Sherry or Margie ------------------------------ Receiving Rescue: Next Stop Forever (Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15) Location: CT Website: Contact Person: Patty ------------------------------ Receiving Rescue: Peis & Strays (Gobi-60) Location: VT Website: Contact Person: Suzanne ------------------------------ Receiving Rescue: Throwaway Pups (Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea*) Location: RI Website: Contact Person: Julie ------------------------------ |
Saturday, January 9, 2010 ------------------------------ ** NOTE: dogs with a * after their name are puppies who cannot touch ground at transport stops (& MUST ride in a crate).** ------------------------------ LEG #1A Mullins, SC to Latta, SC / 21 miles / 30 min 8:30am -- 3:00 pm DCHS: DCHS: arnie-30, frankie-30, Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks DCHS*** 2-30min water-walk-potty stops are included in est time. 8:40am-10:15am MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea* ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #3A Benson, NC to Roanoke Rapids, NC / 95 miles / 1 hour 35 min 10:40am-12:20am MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea*, Cricket-? SANDY: Bogart-25 ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** Sandy G pending confirmation? ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #4A Roanoke Rapids, NC to Richmond, VA / 93.9 miles (1 hour 30min 12:45pm-2:15pm MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea*, Cricket-? SANDY: Bogart-25 ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Pasha*** minivan ***Driver #2 -- Filled -- Thanks Jessica*** small car ***Driver #3 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #5A Richmond, VA to Fredericksburg, VA / 57 miles / 1 hour 2:45pm--3:45pm MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea*, Cricket-? SANDY: Bogart-25 ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Kendall M*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #6 Fredericksburg, VA to Alexandria, VA / 48 miles / 1 hour 4:10pm-5:10pm MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea*, Cricket-? SANDY: Bogart-25 DCHS: arnie-30, frankie-30, Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Ruth Y.*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #3 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #7 Alexandria, VA to Baltimore, MD / 47 miles / 1 hour 5:30pm-6:30pm MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea*, Cricket-? SANDY: Bogart-25 DCHS: arnie-30, frankie-30, Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Liz S.*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #3 -- NEEDED*** ![]() LEG #8 Baltimore, MD to Newark, DE / 63 miles / 1 hour 10 min. 6:50pm-8:00pm MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea*, Cricket-? SANDY: Bogart-25 DCHS: arnie-30, frankie-30, Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #3 -- NEEDED*** Arnie & Frnaki leave transport in Newark w/ Laurie/TreeTops rescue. MAMAS dogs join transport in Newark Sat PM. They arrive later than other group(s)... probably around 10:30pm ------------------------------ ![]() Overnight stop is in Newark DE, but we will gratefully accept a Baltimore overnight if the person can drive the dog to Newark Sunday morning. ~Katie ***Overnight #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Nicole B*** Momma's Twins ***Overnight #2 -- Filled -- Thanks Heidi B*** Saffron & pups ***Overnight #3 --- Filled -- Thanks Judi P.*** Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea* ***Overnight #4 -- NEEDED*** Momma-40 & Emily-55 ***Overnight #5 -- NEEDED*** Birdie Six Pack-5ea* ***Overnight #6 -- NEEDED*** Pointer Pair-8 ea* & Koala-15* ***Overnight #7 -- NEEDED*** Rottie Trio-18ea* ***Overnight #8 -- NEEDED*** Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 ***Overnight #8 -- NEEDED*** Gobi-60 ***Overnight #8 -- NEEDED*** Four Labragold Pups ***Overnight #8 -- NEEDED*** Bogart-25 & Cricket-?? Four Labragold Pups | Sunday, January 10, 2010 ------------------------------ ** NOTE: dogs with a * after their name are puppies who cannot touch ground at transport stops (& MUST ride in a crate).** ------------------------------
![]() LEG #9BCD Newark, DE to Mt. Holly, NJ / 63 miles / 50 min. 9:30am-10:20am MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea* DCHS: Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea*, Four Labragold Pups-??* ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Judi P*** only for overnights - Tessa & Tessa's pups ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #3 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ 10:40am-11:40am MCAS: Emily-55, Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, Tessas Quartet-1ea*, Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea* DCHS: Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea*, Four Labragold Pups-??* ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #3 -- NEEDED*** Momma-40, Mommas Twins-5ea*, Birdie Six Pack-5ea*, Tessa-45, & Tessas Quartet-1ea* leave transport in Woodbridge w/ Christine~PPPR rescue. ------------------------------ 12:05pm-1:00pm MCAS: Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea* DCHS: Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea*, Four Labragold Pups-??* ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ ----------------------------
------------------------------ LEG #12BC Suffren NY to White Plains NY / 25 miles / 45min 1:15pm-2:00pm MCAS: Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea* DCHS: Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea* ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #13BC White Plains NY to Bridgeport CT / 37 miles / 40min 2:15pm-2:55pm MCAS: Koala-15*, Pointer Pair-8 ea*, Rottie Trio-18ea* DCHS: Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea* ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Phylis O*** ***Driver #2 -- NEEDED*** ![]()
![]() LEG #14C Bridgeport CT to Vernon, CT / 68 miles / 1 hour, 5 min 3:45pm – 4:50pm DCHS: Lady Chi-20, Shadow-15 MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea* ***Driver #1 -- Filled -- Thanks Lynn R*** Lady Chi & Shadow leave transport in Vernon w/ Tracey/Next Stop Forever rescue. ------------------------------ LEG #15C Vernon CT to Worcester MA / 47 miles / 45 minutes 5:10pm - 5:55pm MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea* ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #16C Worchester, MA to Lowell, MA / 39 miles / 35min 6:05 pm - 6:40 pm MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea* ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ LEG #17C Lowell MA to Concord VT / 51 miles / 50 min 6:50 pm - 7:30 pm MAMAS: Gobi-60, Saffron-45 & Saffron's Nine Wiglets-1ea* ***Driver #1 -- NEEDED*** ------------------------------ ![]() END OF TRANSPORT -- Thank you! |
Passenger #1: Gobi Breed: Shar Pei Age: 5 years Weight: 60lbs Gender: male Altered: yes, neutered Personality: very laid back, sweet boy Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw neg Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #2: Emily Breed: shep mix Age: 3 years Weight: 55lbs Gender: female Altered: no, will be spayed by receiving Personality: Very sweet but VERY shy! Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw pos Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #3: Momma Breed: chow/bc mix Age: 2 years Weight: 40 lbs Gender: female Altered: no, will be spayed by receiving rescue Personality: sweet Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw neg Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger # 4-5: Momma's Twins Breed: chow/bc mix Age:7 weeks Weight: 5lbs each Gender: male/female Altered: no, will be altered by receiving rescue Personality: puppy!! Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw n/a Leash/collar: N/A as puppies are NOT TO BE PUT ON THE GROUND!!! Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger # 6-11: Birdie Six Pack Breed: lab/"bird dog" mix Age: 7 weeks Weight: 5lb each Gender: male/female Altered: no, will be altered by receiving rescue Personality: puppy!! Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw n/a Leash/collar: N/A as puppies are NOT TO BE PUT ON THE GROUND!!! Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #12: Tessa Breed: Boxer/Hound mix Age: 1.5 years Weight: 45 lbs Gender: female Altered: no, will be altered by receiving rescue once her pups are weaned Personality: VERY sweet girl... BUT gets barky with other dogs around her babies - needs to be in a covered crate Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, HW neg, still nursing her babies!! Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg... should be crated with her pups | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger # 13-16: Tessa's Quartet Breed: Boxer/Hound mix Age: 3 weeks Weight: 1 lb each Gender: male/female Altered: no, will be altered by receiving rescue Personality: wee babies Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: too young for vaccinations, hw n/a... nursing puppies - keep with mom!! Leash/collar: N/A as puppies are NOT TO BE PUT ON THE GROUND!!! Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger # 17: Koala Breed: beagle/aussie mix Age: 14 weeks Weight: 15lb Gender: female Altered: no, will be spayed by receiving rescue Personality: puppy! Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw n/a Leash/collar: N/A as puppies are NOT TO BE PUT ON THE GROUND!!! Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger # 18-19: Pointer Pair Breed: pointer mix Age:10 weeks Weight: 8 lb each Gender: male & female Altered: no, will be altered by receiving rescue Personality: puppy sweetness!! Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw n/a Leash/collar: N/A as puppies are NOT TO BE PUT ON THE GROUND!!! Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger # 20-22: Rottie Trio Breed: shep/rottie x Age: 14 weeks Weight: 18 lb each Gender: male & female Altered: no, will be altered by receiving rescue Personality: puppy! Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw n/a Leash/collar: N/A as puppies are NOT TO BE PUT ON THE GROUND!!! Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #23: Cricket Breed: Age: adult Weight: Gender: female Altered: yes Personality: sweet Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw ?? Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #24: Bogart Breed: wirehaired terrier Age: 10 months Weight: 28 lbs Gender: male Altered: yes Personality: sweet, but scared Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw ??, recently neutered -- so please be gentle with him!! Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #25: Arnie Breed: doxie mix - red Age: 1.5 years Weight: 30lbs Gender: male Altered: yes Personality: sweet Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw low-pos Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #26: Frankie Breed: basset mix, blue-tan color Age: 6 mos Weight: 30lbs Gender: male Altered: yes Personality: sweet Reason for transport: From kill shelter to rescue Vaccinations/health: vaccinations utd, hw neg Leash/collar: YES, leash & collar provided by sending rescue Crate provided: NO, drivers please provide crate(s) for your leg | ![]() ------------------------------ |
Passenger #27: Lady Chi |
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