Immediately below is the original plea and below that the update with donation information. Please donate what you are able and forward this message so that others may have the chance to help Paris, as well.
Additional info from forwarded messages:
-- $125 pledged to rescue for this puppy
-- euthanasia is scheduled for this weekend if not rescued or adopted
A1082765 (booked in as stray but is most likely an owner surrender) -- absolutely adorable 2 month old female staffie puppy with multiple fractures of both front legs. Was likely hit by a car or perhaps had a door slammed shut on its legs. Amazingly, this brave little puppy can still walk and jump and is incredibly happy despite her horrible injuries. Will need further orthopedic evaluation and likely surgery. She is doing great with lots of TLC and pain meds and needs a loving home.
PARIS - ID#A1082765
My name is Paris and I am an unaltered female, black and white Pit Bull Terrier.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 19, 2009.
Anna Hernandez
Los Angeles Animal Services
North Central Division
3201 Lacy St.
Los Angeles Ca. 90031
Shelter (213)485-5767 (preferred)
Fax (213)847-0555
Cell (213)305-4096
Business Hours Tues-Sat. 8-5
You can now follow NOCs' MPA's

A1082765 (booked in as stray but is most likely an owner surrender) -- absolutely adorable 2 month old female staffie puppy with multiple fractures of both front legs. Was likely hit by a car or perhaps had a door slammed shut on its legs. Amazingly, this brave little puppy can still walk and jump and is incredibly happy despite her horrible injuries. Will need further orthopedic evaluation and likely surgery. She is doing great with lots of TLC and pain meds and needs a loving home.
My name is Paris and I am an unaltered female, black and white Pit Bull Terrier.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 19, 2009.
Here is the update I just received: (1/2)
<< Happy New Year Everyone:
I thought I'd give everyone an update on the sweet puppy that was pulled today.
With the help of Ric Browde, Paris was pulled out of the shelter this afternoon shortly before it closed. It was noted that she had parvo when she was pulled although she just became symptomatic today at some point.
She was sent to City of Angels Animal Hospital and I am pleased to state that she is doing well.
Paris was given pain-meds and then both legs were straightened and then splinted. They will stay this way for 4-6 weeks with her dressings being changed on a weekly basis.
Tamiflu is being delivered to the hospital at approx. 2am tomorrow morning. (new year's day) and she is expected to pull through with tamiflu as well as supportive care for a few days. Dr. Cohn is wonderful there and says that she was rescued just in time.
She will be available for transfer to my rescue in approx 4-5 days at which time her care will be transferred over to the vet who looks after all the dogs in CNWB's care here in Vancouver . (My vet also sits on my board of directors)
Paris will be coming into my home and on crate rest for about 6 weeks. After this time, she will be going into hydro-therapy rehabilitation where she will stay for awhile till her legs heal and she's good to go. She will then be adopted into a wonderful home where she will go from my own home.
Thank you all so much for your help and positive thoughts for Paris . Anyone wanting to make a donation for her care. (3-4 days in City of Angels is estimated at 2500.00 alone) can do so by going to http://
Beady Singer
Founder - "Cold Noses, Warm Beds" Dog Rescue -
Animal Advocate - BC SPCA, ASPCA, Washington State Humane Society
International news writer - Best Friends Society -
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