Sunday, October 23, 2011

South GA Pet Rescue NEEDS YOUR HELP!

We have posted this all over the place:

CODERED #Hoboken #Ga  #petrescue CLOSED: WILL EUTHANIZE ALL PETS TUE9am 10/25 9am via @seprr

You could help these rescuers out by also Tweeting and Texting it. 

I am sure legions of other well-meaning people have reach this point of burn-out. I know I have. Seeing the death of so many warm and loving furryfriends is a recipe for mental disorders, but if you are like me, the fight must continue. If we only save 10 out of 100,000, think how much it counted for just those 10. And if I save 10, then perhaps someone else will follow the lead, and rescue 10, or perhaps become the person to rescue all 100,000 by generating policies that end the need for this archaic, barbaric, deplorable system of managing animal populations. Read this if you want an idea of how to do just that:

Please Sign & Share this Petition  

We hope that:

 1- we can rescue the pets by generating widespread awareness of the problem
 2- Perhaps these people will partner with a larger group, and effectively become fosters for a group that does have a good infrastructure in place for sustainable operations.. like a fundraising business plan, social media strategy, volunteer organizational frmework.. etc

Getting the word out for an "urgent rescue notice" is the 1st job for any rescuer. 

So.. not using twitter for rescue is like driving a brand new sports car with the emergency brake on. 

Yet, Twitter is EZ to Learn &  Use!

@seprr has written this so you can Pump Up Your Rescue Volume with The Twitter:

Twitter Primer: Hashtags, Mentions &; Missions. Oh My!" Click here to read it #petrescue via @seprr & @tribedogs

So now you have been there and done that, SHARE this Tweet ON TWITTER and send it via SMS Text to your lady friends who love texting! 

Tweets can be texted via SMS.. since they are text & under 140 characters! Lovely!

CODERED #Hoboken #Ga  #petrescue CLOSED: WILL EUTHANIZE ALL PETS TUE9am 10/25 9am via @seprr

1 comment:

atl2arctic said...

Contest for great #ATL #ga #petrescue #twitter handles! via @seprr & @tribedogs