Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Animal Welfare Reform Bill

Dear Rescuers,

Many of are well of the deplorable of state of Animal Welfare here in Georgia.

Between 600,000-700,000 animals each year are euthanized in Georgia. Neighboring states have similar issues.

Everyone in rescue knows the score. There is no end in sight unless we enact legislation to address the problem of animal over-population. Neutering, education, and better overall management of the processes with animal control state wide will transform the problem.

Potentially, this proposal will reduce Ga's endangered pet population by 70%.

Please visit the links below to familiarize yourself with the current Animal Welfare law in Georgia, some recent research from Georgia Voters for Animal Welfare, and SEPRR's proposed Animal Welfare Reform Bill.

At this point, SEPRR has access to certain lawmakers willing to sponsor related legislation, but these lawmakers want demonstrable support and input from stakeholders affected by this proposal. This means rescuers everywhere, not just in Georgia since we all share a similar mission.

Please share your comments, your contacts, and your energy to make this even better! If you want to help get the word out, please use this "tweet": "RT @sepetrescue PLS Comment: Georgia Animal Welfare Reform Draft Proposal http://bit.ly/GA-AnimalWelfare"

Bryan "Beau" Grant
SE Pet Rescue Railroad - Founder/Admin
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sepetrescue

Please Comment:  Georgia Animal Welfare Reform Draft Proposal http://bit.ly/GA-AnimalWelfare

If you are not using Facebook, please reference the Bill on our Blog:

Other related documents:
Current Georgia Animal Protection Act

2009 REPORT OF FINDINGS Georgia Voters for Animal Welfare (GVAW) Survey of Animal Services in Georgia

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