Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sharing Rescue Alerts in Email and Social Media

Please review this article and share it!

RT @seprr Sharing Rescue Alerts in Email & Social Media #petrescue

Hopefully, this information will better empower Rescue  volunteers and promoters to increase the reach and effectiveness of your Rescue Alert Notices and  Fundraising Event announcements

File Sizes of Photos & Attachments:
A common mistake MOST rescuers make is sending files that are too large via email. The maximum TOTAL size of attachments for any email should not exceed 300k.  Once emails exceed 1mb they become problematic to share.

Ones with fliers often can not be seen at all, for a variety of reasons. Always include the basic meeting/event information in TEXT format in addition to the gorgeous fliers!

If people want to share it to help you, anyone using a smart phone or MS Outlook will be silently grumbling as they watch the Windows Blue Wheel of death grind away, or the download icon on their phones slowly tick away the minutes. If they were not on unlimited data, they would really not be happy campers.

At Ga Perimeter College, I teach my students how to fix image file sizes: one of the articles I recommend to them is here. The students have to put together PowerPoint presentations to present the results of their research in the course. Large, file-sized photos dramatically increase the size of the PowerPoint. Large PowerPoint files are difficult to share with others, in the same way large photos are difficult to share.
I also recommend to them SlideShare to post their PowerPoints online for easy sharing.

Moral of the Story: Tweets are NOT just for Twitter.

You can greatly increase your reach if you adopt the use social media channels. This article provides a thorough walk thru of how to take a basic email such as this, and to get it out to 10's of thousands of people in Social Media.

Here is a sample of one I put together today for one of our transport coordinators.

It has all the images (small file sizes), links, info, contacts, and a tweet that anyone can share anywhere, with anyone, in any social media channel, chat status, sms text, email, smoke signals, the back of a napkin.. Boom. Done and Done.

You can also take that Tweet and post it to relevant places, such as in the case of Floyd County Animal Control, the Darlington School and Berry College Alumni Fan Pages, Belk Stores of Rome, etc etc etc. Put it right in front of the public. Generate awareness. Share the tweets onto Fan Pages, Blog Comment fields, etc.
To set up your own Rescue Transport or Alert, and to promote it using Social Media and Email networks please review the information at the link in the following "Tweet":

RT @seprr How to Post a Rescue Alert on SEPRR & Social Media: #petrescue #gapolitics

Until May 13th, I have access to use my computer classroom for training rescuers. free. I am on campus Fridays, teaching classes from 7am-2:30pm. If you can coordinate 5 or more volunteers to show up for a training, we can do a 2-3 hour session. Please submit specific topic areas and questions at least 1-2 weeks in advance of the scheduled date so the course will be more relevant. If you have a small, one-off question,  I have some time in the morning from 9am-9:45am and after 2:30pm, and access to an entire big screen projector equipped computer lab. Come on by. (Location:CE1190)

EMAIL LIST  Please DO join SEPRR's Rescue Alert Email list.

Review the posting guidelines on the home page. (SEPRR's email list)

Southeast USA/GA based members should also join the following lists:
Georgia Animal Rescue High Volume, Set your preferences to Daily or Weekly Digests.
SPOT Society High Volume, Set your preferences to Daily or Weekly Digests.

SEPRR will occasionally crosspost. However, if a Crossposter will not join the SEPRR mail list, and expects us to manually post it for them, we will not do so after the first few messages unless there is discussion about the arrangement and an agreement in place. Recipients often construe SEPRR as the source, instead of being the crossposter. When there are errors and issues, they pursue SEPRR, not the original sender. 

I hope rescuers found this useful.

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